Saturday, October 6, 2018


Jaguar resting

The Jaguar sometimes known as a Black Panther in some countries. 

It's quiet and a deadly force to reckon with. It uses stealth to its advantage. But stealth is not a given. In fact, in all my learning, stealth is learned by trial and error. Eventually any big cat will catch on to what works for them.

Funny thing about stealth. It seems like it's planted itself in the family of God. I think the line might go like this, "if I'm real quiet maybe they won't know I'm a Christian. And if they ask where I go Sunday mornings ill just say a long drive."

But God who's rich in mercy*1 paints a different picture. You see according to 2nd Corinthians chapter five God gives to His elect a ministry. That ministry is called " The ministry of reconciliation"*2

The above leads this writer right to Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc.

As Founder and CEO its my ministry to share the good news of Jesus with the world. But, and I think you knew this was coming, it can not be done with broken equipment.Take for example the fillowing:

  • 1 HP printer needs HP 61 inks.
  • in order to print copy paper is needed.
  • 2 Asus laptops needs repairs. 
  • 2a Asus G60 and 2b Asus TP550LA

Without the laptops sermons and teachings can not be penned and properly edited. Not like they ought to be at least.

Then there is the photos I use. Those photos need to be put through editors, filed and categorised properly.

Thunderdome Ministries wants to share the good news. But, it can only be done with the help from the body of Christ.

So, are you going to be as bold as a Jaguar or as timid as a mouse?

Say yes today by giving a gift of lovey going to my personal PayPal account @ Little thunders personal Paypal account

To get the ministry back online the laptops need fixing at the price of about $175  American dollars.

Would it not be grand if the laptops were back in working order by Thanksgiving 2018?


*1.  Ephesians 2:4

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

*2. 2nd Corinthians 5:18

And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

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