Monday, October 15, 2018

God can

Whether or not you believe it or not, Gods Word is true. I have seen it in action by "many infallible proofs" Acts 1:3 But perhaps you knew that already right?
And for me there are witnesses to the great things God has been doing in my life. The most recent is that of me writing this on a workable laptop of which was not possible a few months ago. All I had to do was  trade-in my two non-workable laptops. And all it costed me was a few gallons of gas for my means of transportation.  This truly was God intervening  at the right time and at the right place.

In all things give God praise!
 Yes even in the little things! 
Now Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc.  can move forward again 
Is it as easy as that to be a Christian? How about to run a ministry?
Truthfully? No it is not. Regretfully, there are peaks and valleys along the way. There are victories and tragedies as well.  It would be grand if life as sweet as a chocolate bar.   Despite the pitfalls, we press on towards the mark of the high calling  of Jesus Christ! Philippians 3:14
The Future
What lies ahead for the ministry and myself?
I would like to say I know.
 Instead all I can say is I believe
  1. I believe the right Christian will buy my house as is.
  2. I believe that because of number one relocating to a different state is in Gods direction for my life.
  3. I believe I will be able to buy a house in the state God moves me to live and minister in.
  4. I believe that all my financial needs will be met before the move.
  5. I believe that certain financial  aspects of the ministry will continue to be met.
  6. I am believing that once again I will be preaching before the very household of faith the messages that God desires His people to hear.
All of the above, as you may have noticed are ministry related. Why? In comes down to this: "For me to live is Christ and to die is to gain." Philippians 1:21
Now, allow me a few seconds to drop this on your lap:
 And this is on a personal note:
Several years back I was informed I could never do certain sports again sue to various health issues. That being bicycle riding and bowling.
  • I was a long distance bicycle rider with a 21 speed touring bicycle that  glided between gears with the smoothness of silk. I would ride on average, during the summer months around  20-50 miles per month. I was really pleased with my riding and wanted to enter a marathon. But that never took place as I was forced to sell my equipment.
  • My second sport was bowling. I loved the sport a great deal and had a bowling coach to help me along. Just as I was about to enter a Pro-Am  tournament I got very sick. Arthritis set into not just my spine but my shoulders and hips making movement extremely painful.
  • It wasn't just the Arthritis that made this bad but I required a total of 9 eye surgeries. One of which was an emergency to repair a detached retina.  My returning to work and taking part in my favorite sports took a nose dive as I :was to big of a liability to be in any workforce.: Per both the Law Judge and my doctors. So, God clipped my wings and pressed on doing His Work that He wanted.
About a month or two ago my doctor gave me permission to return to bicycle riding. I was ever so pleased. What was the first thing I did? Picked up a subscription to Bicycle Magazine.  As I gazed through the pages dreaming I was riding again some hard core facts hit me in square in the face; I no longer had my bicycle equipment and I knew I could not afford a quality bicycle and equipment.
"But God whose rich in mercy..." Ephesians 2:4
  • So dear reader, what will God do next? Well honestly I believe that if God wants me to return to bicycle riding He will provide the way and the means to get this sport jump started with all the right and proper equipment and gear.  (Yes I am looking at prices of  quality touring bicycles, and photography equipment, that's a boatload of cash to dish out these days!)
  • Plus lets not forget the monthly and yearly costs of running an online ministry let alone travel expenses for preaching engagements.
So, dear reader, will you agree with me that God will move forward on all of the above mentioned?
I know that God can bless us with good health and meet our every need  mentioned, not to everything I want.
If you feel lead of the Lord  to help with ministry and or personal expenses feel free to send a love gift to the link below.     Love Gifts to Thunderdome Ministry and for Littlethunder

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