Friday, November 16, 2012

The Holidays

Here we are once again facing the holidays that seem to not go well for some people while others are having a jolly good time. It is during this time of year in fact that the suicide  rates increase, which is sad  all by itself , yet such could have been prevented if people would just look at the warning signs.

Here are some warning signs

  • ·       Does a person live alone?
  • ·       Does a person have a family?
  • ·       If a person is single does s/he seem an outcast by his/her peers?
  • ·       In the past did s/he get invited to an event by others?
  • ·       Do you know someone who seems to be a loner even at gatherings?
Take it from this writer; the holidays can be a mental stress on all of us. However, for those whom a bully could have a field day the holidays can be a outright living hell.
Allow me to make this point ever so clear: just because a person attends church means that everything is all well. Even people in the church can have a tough time over the holidays. So just because s/he attends church do not take it for granted that all is well.

Here is how you and your family could help:

  • o   Invite someone over to your house for a holiday dinner.
  • o   Make a person feel part of the family. Not an inconvenience.
  • o   Do not make a person feel or seem like s/he is a “third wheel.”
  • o   Include him/her in on the fun. If you are playing a game don’t forget to include them in on the game, even if you have to teach them how to play.
  • o   Include a person in on a conversation. If you’re talking about family matters it may become boring and the person could feel left out.  If the conversation goes on to long s/he may decide to leave.
  • o   If you are exchanging gifts at your house it may be good idea to do so before s/he arrives. Opening gifts when a person is at your house would tend to make one feel like s/he is that “third wheel.”  If you desire to exchange gifts while they are there then get a gift or two for him/her as well, so they don’t feel left out.
  • o   If you choose to watch a sporting event invites them to do so with you. Make them part of the fun and action.
Again allow me to say the following:  if you attend church do not ever think all is well with a person during the holiday season. While a person can do “good deeds” for the kingdom a person can still be alone in the world. 

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