Monday, November 19, 2012

I Dare Ya (A lesson in HTML coding}

The following is a little lesson in what you can do with a little knowledge in HTML coding. To a rookie crediting a table like below can get a little wierd, but thats ok becasue you care cocming out of your comfort zone. The trick to adding a table like the one below is this: know when to show and not to show the borders.

IF you want to get an old piece of software that can help you with creating a website try to find Front Page. Microsoft does not make Front Page any longer but you might be able to find one when you use Bing.

Remember this, dear reader, when you create a website and or blog there is only one person you need to please on how it looks. That person is you. Over time you will learn just like I did, that some things work and others are a complete waste of time. Still, all in all, the website and or blog , is all yours.

PS. yes all the banners and links you see below are active so go ahead try one or two..... I dare ya!

I Dare Ya
If your going to be on the World Wide Web why not make a few cents at the same time?
Pick any or all of the following and just see what happens.
Go ahead I dare ya!
Search & Win
The following have a easy $5 signup bonus; so how can you lose with a deal like that?
Even I am a member of these two sites. And have been paid twice.
Go ahead... I dare ya to sign up today!

Do you have a website and or a blog?
If you do you know you need a little traffic so use the same websites
that help even me get much needed traffic
Now if you visited any or all of the above allow me to ask you a question:
Did it hurt to visit those websites?
Congratulations  you survived the dare!

Do you have stuff where you live that you might want to get rid of?
Perhaps you thought about E-Bay or Amazon
have you thought about

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