Sunday, December 2, 2018

Thank you!

Date: December 2018

Thank you for an awesome 2018!

While this may be my last blog entry for this year it is one of hopes, dreams and of course thanks.

Let us take the latter one first: I want to thank everyone who came to read the Ramblings of yours truly ”Littlethunder”  Sometimes I may just seem like an old man not knowing the time of day. But, believe me I know exactly what time is. And to boot so does the Lord God almighty. And I can assure you that the day of the Lord is quickly coming upon us all, great and small. And I for one cannot wait until I meet Him face to face.

I want to thank those, without giving up their names, who gave willingly and freely to Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc this year. When one lives on a fixed income, as I do, every incoming dollar counts and matters. While the ministry has not built any houses the funds that did come forward helped pay to keep the lights on and the water running.
What lies in store for the ministry? Prayerfully a ranch/farm for Gods people who need a roof over their head on a temporary basis. At one time it was believed such property was what God had in mind, after all it was over 100 acres of prime farmland with barns and lakes and ponds to boot. However, the funding never came forth when it was needed and it looks as though that property has been sold. And some of you may know already when opportunity knocks you best open the door quickly or you might miss the orderal as in this case. Yet the future is still out there and the right property, funding and staffing will all come together in Gods timing,
On a personal note: My “ramblings” are often inspired by God Himself speaking what I believe is the truth. If sometimes it seems that those ramblings seem harsh it is to motivate the very elect of God. Kind of like what a natural disaster does if you will. God has an awesome family made of different parts, shapes and sizes. Every part has its place in the family of God.  You, as a member of the family of God cannot say to the arm or leg that you have no need of them, God forbid. In fact, every part is important in the family of God. Rich and poor, handsome and ugly. Every part is important.
While Im on the subject of the body of Christ allow me to inform you, dear reader, that God is not pleased about the bullies that are in the household of faith. There is no room for bullies in the kingdom of God. So if you’ve taken to bulling those in your church, and  or your youth group, then you need to come clean and repent.

Relocation Relocation Relocation

As you may remember I sensed, and still do, that God would like it that I relocate to a new area in these United States of American. And of course my doctor would prefer I move to a warmer climate as well. However, in order for this writer to relocate my present house must sell in a “as is” state without any warranties
Furthermore, any future home would have to meet with Gods approval  as I desire to to preach the Word of the Lord and evangelize the community.
There is one more aspect to relocating that would like to resume: long distance bicycle riding with a bicycle that will fit my needs. Reason being is the doctor recently gave his approval that I return to bicycle riding. A sport I was forced to give up on around ten years ago. Before I do so though I will need a good smooth riding touring 21 speed bicycle
Back to the relocating  aspect of this rambling: This means I am looking forward to seeing where God plants this vessel. Will it be Arkansas? Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico just where God will plant this vessel with the least amount of expenses is unknown at this time.

Thank you for your time today and for your visits throughout 2018 and beyond.
Yours in Jesus who is the Christ Son of the living God
Rev. David Liebler aka “Littlethunder”
3513 Clairmont Street
Flint MI USA 48503

Send love gift to the above address or to the link below

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