Saturday, December 29, 2018

Mountain Moving 2019

Before I begin let us look at the Holy Scriptures;
It reads as follows
Mar 11:22  And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. 
Mar 11:23  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. 
Mar 11:24  Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. 

Let’s look at this and in doing so understand many think/believe its Gods  responsibility to do everything.
This, dear reader is farthest from the truth.
Your Responsibility
Gods Responsibility
·         Have faith in God. Mar 11:22 
·         he shall have Mar 11:23 
·         whosoever shall say Mar 11:23 
·         and ye shall have them Mar 11:24 
·         shall not doubt in his heart Mar 11:23 

·         but shall believe Mar 11:23 

·         he saith Mar 11:23 

·         soever ye desire Mar 11:24 

·         ye pray Mar 11:24 

·         believe Mar 11:24 


What me have faith? Indeed! As you read and hear Gods Word your faith grows little by little just like having a bank account.  God does not need faith, nor silver nor gold not even cattle. Why not? God has owned them since the beginning of Earths meger beginnings. So, lets look at this simple part you and me both need to move a mountain but how? We use our faith not His; look at it as a withdrawal from the bank. You need a little cash so you either use a teller(legally of course) or use an ATM machine. You don’t take all your money out of the bank just enough maybe to buy dinner at a nearby restaurant.

How do you know if you have faith in God? It’s called the test of time if you will. If you have been reading Gods Word you have faith.  I think the biggest test is what transpires between your house and the hospital in the back of an ambulance.  Whenever tradgy strikes it seems we end up in the ambulance. If you have ever been in a bicycle or automobile accident you know where I am coming from. There is zero time and place to pull out a Bible and start reading that’s because the workers have to do their work. So its time to layback and trust God to the fullest; This has happened to me several times and every time it was a life and death situation God took me through the ordeal. Even as recent as December 2018, while having what they referred to as a level two heart attack, God saw me through.

But what about Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc?

As stated once before, God will get this ministry through the rough waters though the faith of loyal believers that believes in the vision of the ministry.  However, and due to personal finances which God will be changing soon I trust one thing is certain.  What I have to share next will shock you but you need to hear the following;
Several brothers in the faith have suggested that the ministry ought to shutter its doors or perhaps be sold. Yours truly have given so much into the ministry since 1982 and little has returned on the physical side. Even when I tried to help a few homeless people not long ago, that were referred to me, I got burned big.
Will I still help homeless Christians in the future? Indeed, but under entirely different surroundings, like a campus on one hundred acres.
What can you do in 2019?
Ø  Be faithful
Ø  Be loyal
Ø  Be prayerful
Ø  Help move the mountain legally so we can help others in need. Help the homeless Christians.
Ø  Help buy and build a legally run campus, for those mentioned, on one hundred acres.
Ø  Volunteer: there are many areas of the ministry that need help form the talent inside Gods House. From a paper pusher to a website creator or even a person who handles customer service to perhaps evening being the next CEO of he ministry. 
Let us move that montain starting in 2019, yes?
Shall we set a monetary goal  for 2019?
What if we set a goal of say $150,000 for the entire year?
Some of which would cover monthly costs of course.

If, you believe in moving a mountain then lets move this mountain together. Let us put together a ministry, not made of fancy jets and cars but of souls that need Gods hand.
I.            Picture a campus of 4 bedroom houses, not dorms that homeless Christian families could sleep in peace.
II.            Picture a campus with a chapel that would sit 500 men, women and children several days a week..
III.            Picture a man on a tractor plowing the land, sowing seeds and harvesting crops to feel those on campus.
IV.            Picture a man/women in a large garage servicing vehicles of every size
V.            Picture a special house for Christian music groups like Petra, Newsboys, Christ Thomlin and so forth, to stay in peace, to save on their expenses. Asking nothing in return.
VI.            __________(left blank on purpose)

All of these pictures are possible, but we all need to work together.
We all need to start moving the mountains that are in the way.
Would you like to help with a love offering today?
You can start being a faithful and loyal supporter by using one of two ways to give. It is as simple as using one or both of the following manners.
Snail Mail
Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc
Att: Rev. David Liebler
3513 Clairmont Street
Flint Michigan USA 48503
 Won't you please send a love gift?
Thank you in advance for your love offering

Note: If sending anything over $100 please send via a certified check. Thank you.

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