Monday, December 17, 2018

He Would Love It if...

Lucifer aka Satan would love it if yours truly closed up shop. That would be his victory as the Gospel message woWhat yuld cease and I dontsee that as a happening thing, do you?

So, let us get down to brass tacks ok?  What you are about to see is a matter of checks and balances.
  1. Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc stands alone. It receives zero dollars every month from churches.
  2. How has the minstry stayed alfoat since 1982? It all comes down to one phrase, "by faith." I pay my bills, pay the rent/mortgage and whatever I can put into the ministry per month I do so. Sometime it is nothing sometimes its a dollar or two.
  3. Does this writer get discouraged? indeed,  and if you were in my shoes I think you would too. After all I am as human as the next person.
  4. What about 2018? Honestly there was three people who gave a "love gift" to help meet some needs. Some, honestly was personal while others was ministry related such as the cost of having an ISP every month. But there was times when food was neede on the table as well.
  5. The future? I still believe in the vision that was given back in 1982. First one hundred acres of good land. On that land would be not only my house but houses for temporary houing for those in the church that needed a rood over their head. AS well ther would be land to plow, seed, and harvest in order to cut costs. On the property would be a chapel that could seat between 250-500 indivuals for Sunday services, prayer meetings, and Bibical training. There is a new need in the household of faith: a rest stop for Christian groups to rest out of the sight, sounds and reach of society as a whole. This could cut their costs of staying at hotels and so forth.
  6. Where does the ministry stand going into 2019? in one simple four letter word it comes down to hope. As Founder & CEO I hope that 2019 is a better year. One that will begin to see the above vison come into reality as there are people in the church who are hurting and in need of shelter. And if the ministry can give them 30 days rest under Bibical and lawful reasoning then so be it. Ao I say let press on to the high caling of Jesus amen?
  7. Can you assst now?   A. you can give a love gift on a personal level  @  Littlethunders Paypal and or you can ue the following button @

    I will not tell you what the monthly expenses may be! Instead I stand by faith ath you will give as the Lord leads you to give. If you feel lead of the Lord to give a one time gift thats great. If you feel lead to give monthly or to sow seed into the vision mentioned above that has to be between you and God.

    In regards to the Lord leading to yours truly relocating? That is still on the horizon. Somewhere is a person who will furnish me with a brand new dependable form of transportation. On the same hand there is someone, somewhere who has a 3-4 bedroom home in the country, in an area God wants me to ministrer. Whomever these Christians are, they need to step out in faith.quieckly Their failure to obey God does have its rewards.

    Lets press ontowards the mark of the high calling of Jesus in 2019!


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