Thursday, December 13, 2018

Bullies are not just in schools

Come July 2019 I will turn the ripe ol' age of sixty-six and I have seen my share of, shall we say this world. While I have not climbed the tallest mountain I still have hoisted myself over many hurdles. And when they weigh in nearly two hundred pounds you've climbed at least something.

One thing I have overcome growing up, is in the midwestern city of Port Huron Michigan, was of bullies. My bullies managed to tell such good lies  sadly, name calling, getting kicked, punched, thrown to the ground and so forth.  Mind you this was all back in the sixties and seventies before desktop computers made their way into house in America. The school? Howard D. Crull of Port Huron Michigan and my principal was Mr. Darimple. My band teacher was Mrs Wade, who just so happened to live accross the street from where I lived in Port Huron.
Whats it like to be bullied? It depends on the nature of the ordeal. It could be mild mannered kidding around or life changing. For me? it was the latter. My foster parents believed the lies and I started to believe them myself. Then, I was sent away never to live at home again. 

Today, you hear about bullies in the news on the World WIde Web, on the Internet and perhaps even in social media such as Facebook or Twitter. However,  there is one place you do not hear about bullies and once I drop this bombshell your jaw will drop to the floor. Sadly, some children, in school just can not handle being bullied and take matters in their own hands with even sader results 

And regretfully if a child tells his/her parent they are told,"Oh grow up deal with it be a man!" The end result has not been good when a chilld is told to deal with it. Sometime he child may see the only way to deal with it is sucide. By the time time parent finds the child it may be way to late. 
Gods House otherwise known as churches. Sadly I dont think people realize it transpires. If they do people are turning the "other cheek" hoping it will go away on its own. Or they expect God to handle the situation. In the mean time ministries and outreaches are often destroyed or layed to one side.

Case #1

Back in 2016 my mentor of 26 years had died. During the funeral one person chose to clain that he would see to it that the "prison ministry" would cease. The fellow had zero interest in carrying on the legacy that my mentor took over 50 years to build successfully. In due season, he recieved the nod of the church as head of the prison minstry. But today in  late 2018 that ministry long long is around. In the end sadly it seems the fellow managed to manipuate and bully his way to exactly where he wanted. For some reason known only to himself, did he choose to destroy the life, legacy and ministry of one person.

One thing you ought to know: with God there is always addition and multiplying. Only the enmy will subtract and divide the fold.

Case #2

Indivuals in the church can will try to manipulate others. And if they dont get their own way they may result to more violent mannerism. "Look what I did for you" or they will go with the line, "After all I did for you your going to trat me that way?"  And if you are still backing down they might go the rought of, "Well see if I do anything for you again!" And if you give in the bully has you hook, line and sinker.

Case #3   Where is your faith?

The last Reverend David Wilkerson once said that a Pastor should never have to ask for funding from his church. Asking or demading payment could cause one to wonder where is the pastors faith for his personal needs. This falls also in line with ministries within the walls of churches. I have a rough time seeing how a "bake sale" or any other typle of sale reflects faith in God. If God is truly in control and charge of a "ministry" God will supply to its needs thus here is no need for rummage sales, yard sales, bake sales and so forth to raise money for missions ora church event.
Exception to the rule:  there are some ministries that are on the World Wide Web that need hep from the body of Christ. Thus, they may raise up their heads and ask for assistance. For this I see their need for asking as justified. Otherwise you may neve hear of a ministry,

  • Are their bullies in elementry schools? Yes
  • Are there bullies in Jr. High Schools? Yes
  • Are there bullies in  High schools? yes
  • Are there bullies in colleges and in the work place? Yes
  • Are there bullies in todays modern churches around the globe? Yes

You can deny it all you want. You can even  believer your little boy or girl could not be a bully in Gods House right? Fact of the matter is this dear reader; a bully can be of any race, creed, color or gender. They can be young and attending preschool or they can be a Pastor or Sunday School teacher or student withing Gods own house. 

But how can this be? 

 First of all no ones at fault, not really. The fault lies in the belief that sin sould not be preached about form the pulpit. However, that is the exact place it should be talked about becasue being a bully goes againstgodly principles of peace, love and a sound mind.
There are churches today, right here in the state of Michigan do not believe in the following scripture, "2Ti 4:2  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." Look at what God is telling preachers to do, "reprove, rebuke, exhort" 

Can it be stopped? Yes and no

As long as there are humans on this planet called Earth there will be bullies both home andacross the big pond. Yet, I have good new for at least the church;  there need not be any bullies inside Gods House if the Pastors and elders are willing to not just stand guard but stomp it out before it grows into a problem.
Gods House and the people inide the House are meant to be examples for the community in which they so serve. If a parent(s) think there is a problem the amily may leave the church or change churchs until they feel safe and secure.
Pastors; do you want your church to grow? Then you very well will need to take the reigns and pull hard to stop the bullies in their tract.

Gods Word says if if we say to the mountain be moved it will be moved.  It is our faith in Godthat can make every mountian move. Its not Gods resposnabilty to move the mountain(sickness or bullies) it is our own faith in God that can move a mountain. I know, I tried. It works!

Will  you alow bullies in your church? Or will you deal with the problem headon with Bibical principles and teachings?

 Pastors: NOW is the accptable time of salvation, NOW is the tine to deal with bullies in your church. NOW is the time to stop a sucide. 
Do not brush this off or pass this on to the elders in the church. You must work together. The life you may save could be someone that attends your church. 

Young person: if you are reading this and are getting bullied you need to ask for help! If your teach dont lisent tell your councelor, principle, your parents, your Sunday School teacher. You need help. Everything is on the line.

Pastors & Youth Leaders  Pay attention to who is attending your church services and meetings. f you notice someone has been absent for a period of time maybe its a good idea to do a followup. Or at least have the outreaach department work on followups. Maybe person  A or person B is sick or in the hospital and needs a visit from the pastor. Then to maybe the person feels uncomfortable being in your church because of one person or another. If this be the case then a followup would be in order. Always, follow up with those who attend your church or youth meetings.


2Ti 4:2  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 

Boys Town the Movie on Amazon
If you get a chance watch the movie "Boys Town" with Spencer Tracy you will see the downside of being a bully and the upside of what God can do.


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