For ages upon ages there has been both minor and major prophets. Ezekiel for one was a major prophet. Amos is considered a minor. Got the picture yet?
Thus, this writing is not about some musical score. Nor even about various movies you may have seen or heard through the anals of time.
Let us flash forward to this day and age and see what is developing;
Today there is a voice crying in the wilderness about various issues in the "Christian" church. The problem is as follows, no one is listening. The professing Christians think various thoughts and dismiss the "Word of the Lord," considering s/he is a "little off their rocker."
Next thing you know, and perhaps years down a special speaker is brought in for, perse, a moment in time.
What the Christians hear is what was spoken once before. And guess what transpires.
Everyone gets all excited, the hairs in the back of their necks stick up and there is praise rising up like never before. And again its the same message as the "crazy one" spoke years ago.
Here is what Gods elect truly need to do as we draw closer to the end times:
#1. The dear elect of Christ need to "hear what the Spirit of the Lord" says regardless if it comes from a major or minor minister of the Lord.
#2. Instead of a message going in one ear and out the other it needs to stick like Velcro.
#3. If change is mentioned then make the change. God is not slack about His Word. In fact He's a lot like E.F. Hutton, when God speaks everyone needs to listen.
Remember this dear reader:
As God knocks on the door, it is our responsibility to open it.
Failure to open is a sign of rejection and that dear reader comes awfully close to rebellion and that, according to God's Word is equal to that of witchcraft. And witchcraft is punishable by nothing less than death.
God has a great deal to speak to the church. Some of it is locally. And, here is a real nail biter, some will be meant for the church on a global scale.
So what are you going to do when a major or minor speaker has a "word from the Lord" for you?
What will your church do when the "Word of the Lord" comes forth? (And, for those churches who don't believe, hear this warning, failure to open the door could result is nasty side effects.)
Remember this:
If God can use a Jeremiah or a David or even one crying out of the wilderness God can and will use as He pleases!
,***One final note here.***
Just as it was Ezekiel and Jeremiah had the responsibility to speak the "Word of the Lord" it is also the case in today's society.
If the one crying out if the wilderness does not speak the Word, then the blood is on his hands.
Thus there lies a responsibility that is quite awesome indeed.
And if ye listen to the "Word of the Lord" then the listener has a responsibility.
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