Thursday, June 26, 2014

Who is who and What is what?

Leviticus 19:18““‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.”

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By now you very well have heard of Thunderdome Ministries Network. As well you  may as well heard of Littlethunders Castle.  If you have heard of either or both of them you are in fine hands and your not about to go crazy. So allow me, if you will to set the record straight:
  • Littlethunders Castle is yours truly personal website. It contains pages that are of interest to me on a personal level. It also contains what one would call trail pages to find out if visitors would like them. Now here is what you may not know: My website creating days began over ten years ago under the nickname DL Cool over at  Over time DLCool fell to the roadside and Littlethunder rose from the ashes if you will.. What you may not know is that yours truly is the founder and president of Thunderdome Ministries.
  • Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc.  rose from the ashes back in the mid 1980’s. Back then there was no internet and so it was a hand published newsletter with a circulation of  one hundred  and fifty per month. When  I  learned about the internet and computers in 1988 just about everything took off like a mission to the moon. Of course as founder and president I had no help and needed to do just about everything myself.

So where does everything stand today?

As I sit today I await the banks approval for a house in Flint Michigan. With the purchase of an actual house it will give  myself a roof over my head. Furthermore it will allow Thunderdome Ministries a place to call a headquarters for many years. This also means that you, the reader could have a real place to send your love gifts/donations, which in the past have been truly lacking

In regards to the websites and the needs of the ministry?

As of this writing here is what the ministry needs to do to meet its goals.

  1. A new laptop and tablet needs to be obtained. The system(Asus G60)  presently in use is slowly failing bit by bit. At the time of this writing I  have partial use of the keyboard and the cd/dvd  player no longer works and the card readers never have worked.
  2. An all in one printer is needed. The present printer was a donation from Pastor Karl from Faith City Church from Fenton Michigan as is about five yeas of age
  3. This part is on the website in a little more detail; build a campus to assist Christians exiting prison. Thus allowing them to further their Christian education, work on campus, and adjust o modern day society. Estamained cos o build and maintain for a leas 5 yeas is that of about fifty million dollars
  4. Funds for supplies ie paper and ink or printer, tracks  and funds for campus and its  staff.



So now you know a bit about Thunderdome Ministries  and yours truly. I hope you learned a little bit about what and where everything stands at the time of this writing. I hope this serves you well.

Want to send a love gift ?

IF you want to send in a love gift please make you check out to Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc.** If you want a tax deduction please go through Faith City Church in Fenton Michigan @ 1-810-750-2200 other wise send love gifts to the following address: Checks above $100 should be sent via a certified check or money order

Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc.

David Liebler Founder/President/Evangelist

4935 Wood Street

Waterford MI 48329


**Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc  is not a tax exempt ministry. Thus all love gits/donations can not be claimed as a ax deduction.

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