Saturday, December 22, 2012

Website Tip

As you know this year I have penned several website tips mostly for the Newbies. As the days pasted by I even shared with you when the best time to create a holiday website and when to change it over from a Thanksgiving theme to a Christmas theme. I hope those suggestions served you well and you have filed those tips away for another year.

One thing I may have failed to mention is when to take down a Christmas themed website or page. So allow me to share this tip with you here and now': If you created a Christmas themed site for possible more traffic to sell things I would have to say that any time within 2-3 days prior to the actual holiday would be fine. This allows you ample time to revert the page/site back to its former self with perhaps even some improvements.

Allow me to explain: for 2012  Thunder Mall had a nice Christmas theme going for it. Nothing fancy just enough to allow the visitor to get into the Christmas spirit. During the days of the themed site I got the chance to improve the site using Front Page 2003 trying out new looks and even dropping some ideas that just did not work out in the long run. Now Thunder Mall seems to look cleaner and far more focused. By making improvements that I seem to like the hope is that more people will use and recommend the site.

Not only did the improvements  work well I also  put a copy of Thunder Mall on a page in Thunderdome Ministries website. Thus, if you are reading this then you could  directed to either of the locations for Thunder Mall as follows:

  1. Thunder Mall at Littlethunders Bio website
  2. Thunder Mall at Thunderdome Ministries website

Here is an important key to remember as we all begin the road towards a new year:  when building and maintaining a website it is important not just how you present the site during the year but how well you finish up a year. You do not want to ever lose visitors at the end of any year. If you lose them at the end of a year you very well may not get them back in the following year.

Keep your website and its pages as clean and neat as possible at all times. Putting to much material on a website very well could make it look like your local junk yard, and you do not want that to transpire. If ever in doubt as to how much to put on your website and its pages then go explore other peoples website, mostly business sites if your website is business related.


In closing allow yours truly to leave you with a few more graphics  for your use.



african_20    aniart037

Backgrounds_18855   Backgrounds_6096



The following graphics can be hyperlinked to your email address:

here is how your html code would look

<a href="">
<img border="0" src="file:///D:/wEBSITE/Email/emailbord.gif" width="120" height="57"></a>

emailbord     aniart106  aniart049





In closing for 2012 allow me to say this one last thing







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